Friday, December 1

Tapping the Giving Spirit?

The New York Times published an article yesterday entitled, 'Retailers Tap Holiday Giving Spirit." In it, the author discusses the online criticism that has dogged campaigns like Product Red:

More than a few bloggers have pointed to the crassness of companies using a deadly disease as a marketing vehicle to sell more clothes and electronics. Radio talk show host Michael Medved has charged on his blog that companies have used the campaign as an excuse to hike prices and make more money for themselves.

''A Gap long-sleeved T-shirt that last week cost $14.50, now goes for $45... meaning the company still gets an extra $8 of your money on an absurdly overpriced piece of cloth,'' Medved writes.

Other online critics point out that since most of the money from red products will go toward buying medicine for AIDS victims in Africa, the campaign will help bankroll pharmaceutical companies who are unwilling to distribute their drugs for free.
I wonder if they read Don't Tell the Donor at the New York Times?

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