Monday, March 3

We don't know what it is, but we don't like it

The Association of Fundraising Professionals recently asked Ellison Research to conduct a survey on American attitudes toward nonprofit overhead expenses. Here are some excerpts from an article in Fundraising Success Magazine on the study.

Sixty-two percent of Americans believe the typical nonprofit organization spends more than what is reasonable on overhead expenses such as administration and fundraising, according to a new survey.

When respondents were asked what is a reasonable level of overhead costs for nonprofits, the average figure was 22.4 cents for every dollar collected. However, when asked what they thought the typical nonprofit actually spends on overhead costs, the figure was 36.3 cents per dollar.

The findings, gleaned from a survey developed and conducted by Ellison Research involving more than 1,000 American adults, found that while respondents were fairly consistent in their thinking about how much charities should spend, their thoughts on how much charities actually spend were more diverse.
Go here to read the rest of the article - there are some interesting differences in attitude by age and race.


Anonymous said...

This perception comes, doubtless, from media stories about extravagant pay for CEOs at some well-known national nonprofits.

On average, nonprofit CEOs are far less well paid than their private sector counterparts and certainly less well paid than top federal bureaucrats.

Anonymous said...

People want there monies going to those in need and therefore shop to see where to contribute when making a donation. They look to see where the value is the best. I appreciate the Red Cross but the Salvation Army does a better job and less goes to admin so I choose Salvation Army in a natural disaster to send to and actually I contribute to them reguarily and donate items.