Tuesday, October 3

Pink ribbon cans DOUBLE sales of Campbell's soup

Advertising Age reports that Campbell Soup Co. has doubled sales of its top varieties to its biggest retail customer (Krogers) by turning its iconic red-and-white soup cans pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast cancer in particular has been an increasingly popular cause for marketers to align with. Don't Tell the Donor reported on the deal between M&M's and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. In this case, Campbell will donate $250,000, or roughly 3.5 cents per pink can through Kroger in exchange for its doubled order.

Remember this if your charity is about to sign a deal with a company... they are benefiting more than you are. Advertising Age cites a 2004 survey on cause marketing done by Boston brand-strategy firm Cone, 91% of 1,033 consumers say they have a more positive image of a company or product when it supports a cause and 90% will consider switching to another company if it's aligned with a cause.

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