Sunday, March 2

Taking Out The Trash – Voluntarily

On March 1st, The NonProfit Times published my second column as part of their new exclusive web editorial section. I decided to bring March in like a lion and I used the opportunity to explore how the DMA and others has reacted to growing calls for increased self-regulation.

Taking Out The Trash – Voluntarily

When I was growing up, my mom used to say to me:

“Little fundraiser. I told you to clean your room. Go in there and do it right now or else, I will take this garbage bag and go clean it myself – and you won’t like what I’m going to throw away!”

It was the scariest threat my mom ever made. Yet, I never found out if she was bluffing or not because nothing motivated me more than the fear of my mom rampaging through my room throwing my beloved toys in the trash.

I’ve been thinking of this personal experience during the past few years as I’ve listened to Congress’s threats that if the nonprofit sector failed to regulate itself then government will stage its own intervention. We all know there are some bad apples within the nonprofit sector. But, there should be a way for the industry to clean its own room first before a bunch of bureaucrats get involved.

...[read more]

You can go here to read the rest of the column on The NonProfit Times website.

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