Friday, April 27

Nonprofit fundraising blog from Italy

I wish I could read Italian and figure out what this website was talking about... it looks like a good one:

Raccogliamo in questo sito tutti i blog di organizzazioni nonprofit o a supporto della mission di organizzazioni nonprofit ed anche blog che parlano di nonprofit, fund raising, responsabilità sociale.
Thanks to Babel Fish I was able to translate the description of the blog as this:
We collect in these situated all the blog of organizations nonprofit or to support of the mission of organizations nonprofit and also blog that they speak about nonprofit, fund raising, social responsibility.
Welcome to the international blogosphere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Fundraiser, thank you very much for talking about my blog. The idea is to collect all the italian and USA/UK blog about nonprofit and fundraising. In the left part of my blog you can find blog of italian and foreign npo (main from USA) and in the right part you can find the blog written by italian consultants or volunteer in fundraising and nonprofit and other blogs written by foreign consultants, fundraising and volunteers. Thank you very much for talk about my blog. I have also another blog that talk about how to do internet for fundraising in italian npo (this is the blog